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Podcast app for Windows 10 phone

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!!! Membre banni !!!
!!! Membre banni !!!

Inscrit le: 26 Aoû 2017
Messages: 3

 #1 MessagePosté le: 01/09/2017 09:57    Sujet du message: Podcast app for Windows 10 phone Répondre en citant


I've just launched a podcast and am working out how it propagates through the podcast ecosystem.

I have managed to get it on iTunes and also registered with as many podcast hosts that I can find – Podbean, podkicker, TuneIn etc.

But for some reason it won't show up when I search for it on my Windows 10 phone or PC podcast app. I know that I can always paste the rss feed into the search window but I want to be able to search for it by name.

I am hosting it on whooshkaa. I work on another podcast that is hosted on Libsyn and that one propagates immediately through the system and is searchable on Windows 10 podcast app.

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
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